Can I change the number of products per page?
Now you have the ability to change the number of products displayed on a page! This update provides greater flexibility and control over how you browse through our extensive product catalog.Few readersCan I change the language in the app?
MBC Builder enables users to modify all text elements, from product descriptions to checkout instructions, directly within the app settings. This ensures your store can connect with customers in their preferred language. To change the language please click "Settings" and find "Translations" window Here you can change every element into a language you need and it will be shown in your store eFew readersCan I change a name of a discount code?
Now you have the ability to change the names of your discounts within the app settings! This update allows you to personalize and manage your discount codes more effectively, making it easier to organize and recognize various promotions. To do so please click "SeFew readersHow to Integrate MBC Builder with Ajax (Slider) Cart
If your theme has Ajax cart functionality, we can set up the builder integration with it. With Ajax cart, your customers can add items to their cart, update quantities, and view cart information, avoiding refreshing the page or go directly to the cart page. This is about the behavior after adding the bundle to the cart Stay on a current page Redirect to the Shopify cart page Leave it in place and open the Ajax cart ( readersOut Of Stock Settings
With the latest update, you can now choose how to display products and product variants that are unavailable, offering more control and flexibility in managing your inventory. Enhanced Out of Stock Display Options now you can find in the settings: The new Out of Stock settings in MBC Builder allow you to handle unavailable products in two main ways:Few readers